Monday, 31 October 2011

15 Ways to get out of a phone conversation

Have you ever been stuck on the phone to someone you really didn't want to talk to and they never give you a chance to end the conversation? Well here's a few things you can say to get off the phone and back to what you were doing.

1. Sorry, my phones about to die. My battery is running low.
2. I have to go, I'm getting another phone call.
3. Sorry, I'll have to call you back later, I'm about to drive.
4. I'm being kicked off the phone, someone else needs to use it, I'll call you back.
5. Did you want to speak to.... (insert name here)
6. I've got to go, someone is at the door.
7. I can't speak long, I don't have a lot of credit, (note: only use if you call them. It doesn't work so well when they call)
8. So I'm really busy at the moment, do you mind if I call you back later tonight when I have a chance to talk?
9. Can't talk long, I'm about to leave my house.
10.  Sorry, I'm at a library, and I can't talk. I'll call you later.
11.  I'm about to leave for work.
12.  Can I call you later, I'm in the middle of cooking dinner ...  or.... I'm in the middle of eating dinner.
13.  I have to go, my dog's just ran out the front door. (hang up and text back)
14.  I'm about to loose reception in this building so if I cut out thats why.
15. If you're really stuck. I'll have to go,  I need to use the bathroom.


Friday, 21 October 2011

15 Movie Quotes Everyone Knows

Here's 15 movie quotes from some pretty awesome movies that no matter who you are, even if you haven't seen the movie, you know them.

Oh and just a side note, 15 will only be creating lists every second monday, so this will be our final Friday post.
I know, it sucks, but things are busy at the moment. This way, you can start your week with a list.

1. “Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." - Forrest Gump
2.   “You’re gonna need a bigger boat” - Jaws
3. "Oh man, I can’t feel my toes, I don’t have any toes, I think I need a hug." - Shrek
4. “Somebody’s poisoned the waterhole! There’s a snake in my boot.”  And  “To infinity and beyond!” - Toy Story
5. “I love the smell of napalm in the morning” - Apocolypse now
6. “Bond, James Bond” - James Bond
7. “I’ll be back”- Terminator
8. “I see dead people” - The sixth sense
9. “Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries” - Monty Python
10. “B-e-a-u-tiful” “That’s the way the cookie crumbles” - Bruce Almighty
11. “Who you gonna call… Ghostbusters” - Ghostbusters
12. “Save Ferris!” - Ferris Buellers day off
13. “I shall call him squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my squishy.” - Finding Nemo
14. “Yeah Baby!” -  Austin Powers
15. “I’ll have what she’s having" - When Harry met Sally

Next post will be on the 31st of October. Until then.


Monday, 17 October 2011

15 Most Commonly Hoarded Things

 If you are anything like us, then your room is filled with items of no use or value that you've kept for one reason or another, never to throw out incase you need it one day. Ironically its when you do throw it out that you find a use for it.

Here's 15 commonly Hoarded Things

1. Old Birthday cards. Some from several years ago.
2. Buttons from various clothes you have bought, some from clothes you no longer own
3. Sympathy Clothes - those clothes you got off relatives you wore once to show you liked it, and then buried in the bottom of your drawer.
4. Paper that contained important information from 3 years ago that is no longer relevant.
5. Some token reminiscent of a decade long passed - for example, we have a variety of Tazo's, Pokemon cards and yu gi oh cards. What do you have?
6. That one book someone bought you. The one you never read that sits still untouched on the bookshelf.
7. A Stuffed toy from your childhood, which usually sits in or on top of the cupboard.
8. Old CD's. The songs may be on your computer, but the CD's are still there. Or, perhaps its records your keeping.
9. Trinkets and ornaments you have been given. They may hold some sentimental value, they may not, either way, they sit on the shelf collecting dust and we never throw them out. Until, that is, they break :'(
10.  Rapidly expanding collection of Enviro bags that you forget to take with you when you go shopping.
11. Awards - not the important, degree type awards where they say you're a qualified professional. Those awards that you won in sports games, or in school, or at a competition.
12. Cables to electricals. Perhaps you have upgraded, perhaps you got a replacement, and now all that remains are the wires that came with it. Its usually in a tangled mess and has long become useless.
13. Receipts. Usually kept because they are important for warranties and the like, but sometimes fade, or become ripped, or the item is no longer in a returnable condition, and yet the receipts are still kept.
14. Those 3D glasses you get at the cinema when you go to watch a 3D movie. You keep them with the idea that you'll reuse them, but every time you go, you forget to bring them and buy another pair, only to add them to the collection when you get home to be forgotten the next time.
15. Random keys. At this stage no one remembers what they go to, but you don't want to throw them out, just incase.

We think its time for a clean out.


Saturday, 15 October 2011

Dumb Warning Labels

Have you ever noticed the warning labels on the products you buy? Some of them make sense, like, do not microwave, Keep away from water etc. And then there and some that make you stop and really reconsider the IQ of society. Heres 13 Dumb labels found on various products.

1. A do not use while pregnant on a multivitamin... for men.
2. A 'Caution, hot" on a hot chocolate cup.
3. Some assembly Required on a 500 piece puzzle.
4. Warning: May cause drowsiness...on a box for sleeping tablets.
5. On Christmas lights... For indoor or outdoor use only.
6. May contain traces of nuts...on a packet of peanuts.
7. Warning! Never iron clothes on the body.
8. May irritae eyes... on pepper spray.
9. May contain small parts... on a frisbee.
10. On a small blow up diving.
11. On a child's superman costume... Does not enable you to fly.
12. On a portable pram/stroller...Remove infant before folding for storing. 
13. Do not turn upside down...n the bottom of a cake box
14. On children's cough medicine... Do not drive car or operate machinery.
15. Not for human consumption...on a packet of dice.


Image from:

Monday, 10 October 2011

Weird Fears

Most people are afraid of something, heights, spiders even flying. Today our list is of 15 weird fears.  

1. Ornithophobia- Fear of birds.
2. Methyphobia- Fear of alcohol.
3. Politicophobia- Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians.
4. Clinophobia- Fear of going to bed.
5. Rhabdophobia- Fear of being severely punished or beaten by a rod, or of being severely criticized. Also fear of magic.(wand)
6. Geniophobia- Fear of chins.
7. Testophobia- Fear of taking tests
8. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- Fear of long words.
9. Lutraphobia- Fear of otters.
10. Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of going to school.

11. Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
12. Anglophobia- Fear of England or English culture, etc.
13. Pentheraphobia- Fear of mother-in-law.
14. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666.
15. Chiroptophobia- Fear of bats.

This list was composed using the Phobia List Website.


Friday, 7 October 2011

Amusing Expressions

Have you ever really sat down and thought about what it is you were actually saying when you use an expression? For example, To kill two birds with one stone. Poor birds. That must have been one hell of a stone... or a really good shot. And if it's all Greek to you, what is it to the Greeks?  And whats so different about apples and oranges, they're both fruit. 

We'll we decided that it didn't matter, and that these 15 amusing but hardly used sayings were more entertaining. 

1. Silence is golden... duck tape is silver.
2. In order to get a loan, you first need to prove that you don't need it.
3. If ignorance is bliss, then I must be the happiest thingamajig in the whatchamacallit!
4. It's not the fall that kills you. It's the sudden stop at the end.
5. The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.
6. The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat have gotten to be really good friends.
7. Life is unsure; always eat your dessert first.
8. When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
9. I have a drinking problem - I can't afford it.
10. If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.
11. When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of Algebra.
12. Ageing: Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.
13. The sole purpose of a child's middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble.
14. If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.
15. I say no to alcohol, it just doesn't listen


Recognition goes to for their genius.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

15 Lame Joke You Can't Help But Laugh

Its Wednesday! The middle of the week. Some call it Hump Day...

Whatever you call it we all know that there are only two days left until the weekend. To get you through those two days of work, school, university, whatever it is you have planned, we thought we'd brighten your day by posting 15 lame jokes that you can't help but laugh at. 

1. Q: What did the salt say to the pepper?
A: "Hey, what's shaking?
2. Q. Why was the scarecrow promoted?
A. He was out standing in his field.
3. I had a photo taken with REM... thats me in the corner.
4. Last night I dreamed I was a muffler, I woke up exhausted
5. I got a job crushing soft drink cans. It was soda pressing.
6. Statistically, ‎6 out of 7 dwarfs aren't happy.
7. I received a compliment from my phone company today, they told me I had an outstanding account.
8. I just read a list of the top 100 things to do before you die. I'm surprised yell for help wasn't one of them
9. Q: What do you call a penguin in a desert?
10. What did the water say to the boat? nothing it just waved.
11. I have a friend who's half Indian... Ian.
12. Q. What do you call a robot who takes the long way around...
A. R 2 Detour
13. I fell on my arm and had to have an operation on my funny bone. I was in stitches for two weeks.
14. Q. What's green and has wheels?
A. Grass, I lied about the wheels.
15. I don't want to sound big headed...But I wear Extra Large hats

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Monday, 3 October 2011

15 Things You Can Actually Adopt.

Everyone knows about Adoption. Adopting children, dogs, cats, rabbits... it's not unheard of. But did you know you can adopt some pretty strange things now a days?

 Like a Sloth... You can adopt your very own Sid.

A real life Sloth! None of this virtual pay money for something that doesn't exist thing. A real Sloth! The only catch is you can't take it home... or pat it... or ever meet it.... but you can pay money and adopt it.

We set out to find 15 things weird and strange real life things you can actually adopt. To prove they exist, we've included the links.

1. Words -
2. A road -
3. A Tiger -
4. A Grandparent -
5. A Tree -
6. A River -
7. A Star -
8. A Bridge -
9. A Hedgehog -
10. A School -
11. A Native American Elder -
12. A Koala -
13. An Iguana -
14. An Olive Tree
15. A Rat -

And if you're interested...
Adopt a Sloth here -->


Picture taken from the movie franchise of Ice Age and the owning bodies. We take no credit in its creation.

Friday, 30 September 2011

15 Signs You're Addicted to Facebook

It has recently come to our attention that many people we know are what we consider to be addicted to Facebook. 

Upon their denial and refusal to accept that anyone who knows more about what is happening on Facebook than they do in real life and suffers from Facebook withdrawals over a weekend has a problem, we decided it was time to put together a list to prove it to them.

So here's 15 signs you are a Facebook addict. If you experience any of these, remember the first step to breaking an addiction is admitting you have a problem. 
  1. You check your account every day, multiple times a day
  2. You sign in, look at the news feed, sign out, begin to do something else and sign back in again almost a minute later
  3. It’s your homepage
  4. You’ve never missed a status from anyone for more than two weeks.
  5. You're on Facebook while out with friends
  6. You feel a compulsion to let everyone know what you are doing, even if you are just going to bed
  7. You check in everywhere.
  8. You are always signed in, either on your computer, or on a mobile, sometimes both.
  9. You post upwards of 10 statuses a day
  10. Most of your conversations start with “Did you see on Facebook”
  11. You will go back through all the posts until you reach the last one you read, even if this means going over 3 day or more posts
  12. You have 1000 Facebook friends but don’t actually know most of them
  13. You watch your newsfeed more than the actual news
  14. You judge people based on their grammar and spelling.
  15. You update your Facebook relationship status to ”Married” at the alter.


Wednesday, 28 September 2011

15 Things You Should Never Say Whilst Travelling On Public Transport.

This post's topic came as a result from something that happened to a friend while travelling home on the train. This is what they said.

I was sitting on the train, trying to read a book. There were these people sitting three rows in front of me, talking really loud. It was something to do with someone's relationship or whatever, I wasn't really listening. Anyway, I tried to block them out and continue reading. Then one of them said something that shocked me. I couldn't believe they'd actually said that out loud, on a full train! 

Instead of saying exactly what the comment was, we've included it into out list of 15 things you should never say whilst travelling on public transport.

1. Religious discussions. Regardless if its anti or pro religious, just don't start. You're bound to annoy or insult someone, and that could just end badly.
2. Politics. We respect you have an opinion, you just don't have to share it, especially with someone you don't even know.
3. That mass sum of money you just won. (and if you do so happen to mention it in a whisper, avoid saying that you still have the cheque, or worse, the cash.)
4. Please refrain from insulting the woman across from you by pointing out how badly she is dressed. It may be true, but you should at least wait until after they get off to laugh. Or for my bilingual friends, be quite positive they to don't speak your language.
5. Your results from the doctors. Believe us, no one near you needs to know that you have not contracted anything after that one night stand.
6. Your encounter with someone whose gender is still not clear, or the events that took place therein.
7. Having an argument on a mobile phone. Commenting that your boyfriend has been to jail as a threat is not a good idea either.
8. For the women passengers, your time of the month. No one but you, and perhaps your doctor, needs to know that, especially those sitting around you.
9. When gossiping, never use full name of the people you are discussing. You never know if the people around you are friends or relatives of them.
10. Boasting about how you fare evade and never get caught. 
11. How to avoid jail time by lying to the judge or blaming it on another person. You probably shouldn't admit that this is how you got out of it too.
12. Discussing how a newly released movie you just saw is the best thing ever and explaining everything that happens in it, in detail.
13. Mentioning how much you actually torrent. 
14. Any topics of conversation that could be deemed inappropriate to talk about if your grandmother was sitting next to you.  
15. What happened on the last episode of Jersey Shore. No one cares.


Image edited - original image can be found on 

Monday, 26 September 2011

15 ways to annoy your older sister.

Anyone with an older sister knows just how much fun bugging them can be. They know exactly what to do and say to get on their nerves. They plan their moves for the best response, choose their moments, tactics, excuses and routes of escape before attempting the risky move. They have being annoying down to an art. We certainly have.

Here at Fifteen, we've compiled a list of 15 things that we do to annoy our older sisters. These tried and tested methods are just some of the ways we annoy. 

 But we must warn you. Proceed with caution. An angry sister is not the best person to reason with, especially when they have your phone.

1. Ask questions. Stupid questions, random questions, questions you already know the answer to.
2. Stand in the doorway of her room. You don't actually have to say anything, eventually she will get annoyed at you standing there.
3. Borrow something from her room without permission and 'loose' it.
4. Swap her bottle of hairspray with an empty one.
5. Have a conversation with her when she's talking to someone else on the phone, replying to everything she says as if she was talking to you.
6. If they have a social network account, for example, Facebook, post an update about how much they adore their sibling, i.e you, and how much they could not live without you. Repeat as much as necessary.
7. Send them a text when they are trying to send a text to someone else. One letter at a time.
8. Burst into their room singing an annoying song, (we recommend Rebecca Black's 'Friday') at the top of your lungs. This works well when they are on the phone (and it's actually friday).
9. Talk loudly to someone while they are trying to watch television or a movie.
10. Graffiti their mirror (with a whiteboard marker)
11. Randomly throw pillows at them.
12. Tell them about your day, every small insignificant detail including what you had for lunch, where you ate it and what the time was when you started and finished.
13. Answer their phone and have a conversation with their friends before you put them on.
14. Flick the lights on and off.
15. Follow them around the house.

Happy Annoying.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Fifteen Sequels and Prequels You Weren't Expecting Them to Make.

In a completely unrelated event, we at 15 stumbled across what could only be described as a mistake made by hollywood. Another Bridget Jones Movie. 

This got us thinking. What other Prequels and Sequels are they planning on making? We went to the one place we knew we could get the answer. We went to The Internet Movie Database. And so began our list of 15 Sequels and Prequels you weren't expecting them to make. Enjoy.

1. Monsters University (2013) - The prequel to Monsters Inc. where Mike and Sully are at the University of Fear.
2. Austin Powers 4 (2013)
3. Independence Day 2 and 3 (2013/2014)
4. The Birds (2013) - Remake of Hitchcock's classic.
5. Beverly Hills cops IV (2014)
6. I, Robot 2. (2015)
7. Blade Runner Sequel (2014)
8. Gump & Co. (2013) - Forrest Gump Sequel - "A follow-up to the 1994 film "Forrest Gump," where the film's dim-witted hero stumbles through historical events in the 1980s and '90s." 
9. Police Academy 8 (2012)
10. Jurassic park IV 
11.  2012: the war for souls (2014) - The Sequel to 2012, in 2014 - Which doesn't make sense because the world has ended. But heres the story line. Straight from IMDB -
"Story follows an academic researcher who opens a portal into a parallel universe and makes contact with his double in order to stop an apocalypse foreseen by the ancient Mayans" 
12. Kill Bill: vol. 3 (2014) - They Do realised they killed Bill in the last one, right? Bill is dead already...
13. Top Gun 2 - With Tom Cruise
14. The Human Centipede 2 and 3 (2011 & 2013.)  No. Just no.
15. Yellow Submarine (2012) - A 3D remake of the Beetles animated movie where the band travels in their Yellow Submarine to Pepperland to defeat the evil Blue Meanies.

We haven't yet figured out whether its a good or a bad thing some of these movies are being made, but you can judge  for yourself when they actually appear on screen.


Monday, 19 September 2011


Avast ye sea loving scoundrels,  Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day!!!

From Blackbeard to Sparrow to Long John Silver, today is all about those who pillaged and plundered, those who created havoc, those who flew the black flag across the seas. Today is all about Pirates!

To help you communicate with the fellow Sea dogs and Buccaneers, we've put together a list of 15 words and phrases that could help save ye from walkin' the plank, sword fightin' til the death and the embarrassment of ordering a fruit cocktail instead of rum.

1. Ahoy! - Hello!
2. Savvy? - Do you understand? / Do you agree?
3. Dead Men Tell No Tales - Leave no one alive.
4. Ropes End - Another term for a Flogging. (Beating)
5. Scallywag - Villainous or mischievous person.
6. Weigh Anchor - Pull the anchor up; leave port.
7. Jack Ketch - The Hangman.
8. Heave to! - To come to a halt.
9. Avast! - Stop and give attention.
10. Belay - Cease or Stop.
11. Davy Jones' Locker - The bottom of the sea, where the souls of dead men lie.
12. Landlubber - Someone who lives on the earth and is not used to life on board ship; used as an insult.
13. Smartly - Do something quickly.
14. Turn to - Start working right now.
15. Runner - Smuggler.

So ye' Landlubber, what ye' waiting for? Turn to! Weigh anchor! Smartly or you'll meet your ropes end! Savvy? 

Check out for more!
Happy Pirating!


*Fifteen does not endorse the act of Piracy or illegal activity, Talk Like a Pirate Day is for entertainment purposes only.

lingo found here:-
Image from:-

Friday, 16 September 2011

15 Pieces of Perfectly Useless Information

As you may have noticed, 15 has changed! Don't worry, you'll still find all the things we promised you'll find, but just on a better layout. 

We've included a photo of what you can expect to find on our page in this and future posts.

And now to the list. Today we have included 15 random facts that you probably didn't know, and will probably never need to know. 

1. A dolphin can drown if it inhales 1 tablespoon of water into its lungs.
2. Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a "Friday the 13th."
3. On december 17th, 1997, an episode of 'Pokemon' aired in Japan caused seizures in hundreds of people. More people experiences seizure like symptoms after a news report on the story replayed the scene containing flashing red lights that night.
4. The word "lethologica" describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want.
5. The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache.
6. Mario, from Mario Brothers first appeared in Donkey Kong and was named Jumpman.
7. Antarctica is the only land on our planet that is not owned by any country.
8. Stressed is Desserts spelled backwards.
9. The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.
10. A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.
11. Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave
12. A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
13. Duelling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.
14. Contrary to popular belief, a camels hump is used to store fat not water.
15. The bible is the worlds best selling book. Its also the worlds most shoplifted. 
