Monday, 17 October 2011

15 Most Commonly Hoarded Things

 If you are anything like us, then your room is filled with items of no use or value that you've kept for one reason or another, never to throw out incase you need it one day. Ironically its when you do throw it out that you find a use for it.

Here's 15 commonly Hoarded Things

1. Old Birthday cards. Some from several years ago.
2. Buttons from various clothes you have bought, some from clothes you no longer own
3. Sympathy Clothes - those clothes you got off relatives you wore once to show you liked it, and then buried in the bottom of your drawer.
4. Paper that contained important information from 3 years ago that is no longer relevant.
5. Some token reminiscent of a decade long passed - for example, we have a variety of Tazo's, Pokemon cards and yu gi oh cards. What do you have?
6. That one book someone bought you. The one you never read that sits still untouched on the bookshelf.
7. A Stuffed toy from your childhood, which usually sits in or on top of the cupboard.
8. Old CD's. The songs may be on your computer, but the CD's are still there. Or, perhaps its records your keeping.
9. Trinkets and ornaments you have been given. They may hold some sentimental value, they may not, either way, they sit on the shelf collecting dust and we never throw them out. Until, that is, they break :'(
10.  Rapidly expanding collection of Enviro bags that you forget to take with you when you go shopping.
11. Awards - not the important, degree type awards where they say you're a qualified professional. Those awards that you won in sports games, or in school, or at a competition.
12. Cables to electricals. Perhaps you have upgraded, perhaps you got a replacement, and now all that remains are the wires that came with it. Its usually in a tangled mess and has long become useless.
13. Receipts. Usually kept because they are important for warranties and the like, but sometimes fade, or become ripped, or the item is no longer in a returnable condition, and yet the receipts are still kept.
14. Those 3D glasses you get at the cinema when you go to watch a 3D movie. You keep them with the idea that you'll reuse them, but every time you go, you forget to bring them and buy another pair, only to add them to the collection when you get home to be forgotten the next time.
15. Random keys. At this stage no one remembers what they go to, but you don't want to throw them out, just incase.

We think its time for a clean out.


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