Saturday, 24 September 2011

Fifteen Sequels and Prequels You Weren't Expecting Them to Make.

In a completely unrelated event, we at 15 stumbled across what could only be described as a mistake made by hollywood. Another Bridget Jones Movie. 

This got us thinking. What other Prequels and Sequels are they planning on making? We went to the one place we knew we could get the answer. We went to The Internet Movie Database. And so began our list of 15 Sequels and Prequels you weren't expecting them to make. Enjoy.

1. Monsters University (2013) - The prequel to Monsters Inc. where Mike and Sully are at the University of Fear.
2. Austin Powers 4 (2013)
3. Independence Day 2 and 3 (2013/2014)
4. The Birds (2013) - Remake of Hitchcock's classic.
5. Beverly Hills cops IV (2014)
6. I, Robot 2. (2015)
7. Blade Runner Sequel (2014)
8. Gump & Co. (2013) - Forrest Gump Sequel - "A follow-up to the 1994 film "Forrest Gump," where the film's dim-witted hero stumbles through historical events in the 1980s and '90s." 
9. Police Academy 8 (2012)
10. Jurassic park IV 
11.  2012: the war for souls (2014) - The Sequel to 2012, in 2014 - Which doesn't make sense because the world has ended. But heres the story line. Straight from IMDB -
"Story follows an academic researcher who opens a portal into a parallel universe and makes contact with his double in order to stop an apocalypse foreseen by the ancient Mayans" 
12. Kill Bill: vol. 3 (2014) - They Do realised they killed Bill in the last one, right? Bill is dead already...
13. Top Gun 2 - With Tom Cruise
14. The Human Centipede 2 and 3 (2011 & 2013.)  No. Just no.
15. Yellow Submarine (2012) - A 3D remake of the Beetles animated movie where the band travels in their Yellow Submarine to Pepperland to defeat the evil Blue Meanies.

We haven't yet figured out whether its a good or a bad thing some of these movies are being made, but you can judge  for yourself when they actually appear on screen.


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