Monday, 26 September 2011

15 ways to annoy your older sister.

Anyone with an older sister knows just how much fun bugging them can be. They know exactly what to do and say to get on their nerves. They plan their moves for the best response, choose their moments, tactics, excuses and routes of escape before attempting the risky move. They have being annoying down to an art. We certainly have.

Here at Fifteen, we've compiled a list of 15 things that we do to annoy our older sisters. These tried and tested methods are just some of the ways we annoy. 

 But we must warn you. Proceed with caution. An angry sister is not the best person to reason with, especially when they have your phone.

1. Ask questions. Stupid questions, random questions, questions you already know the answer to.
2. Stand in the doorway of her room. You don't actually have to say anything, eventually she will get annoyed at you standing there.
3. Borrow something from her room without permission and 'loose' it.
4. Swap her bottle of hairspray with an empty one.
5. Have a conversation with her when she's talking to someone else on the phone, replying to everything she says as if she was talking to you.
6. If they have a social network account, for example, Facebook, post an update about how much they adore their sibling, i.e you, and how much they could not live without you. Repeat as much as necessary.
7. Send them a text when they are trying to send a text to someone else. One letter at a time.
8. Burst into their room singing an annoying song, (we recommend Rebecca Black's 'Friday') at the top of your lungs. This works well when they are on the phone (and it's actually friday).
9. Talk loudly to someone while they are trying to watch television or a movie.
10. Graffiti their mirror (with a whiteboard marker)
11. Randomly throw pillows at them.
12. Tell them about your day, every small insignificant detail including what you had for lunch, where you ate it and what the time was when you started and finished.
13. Answer their phone and have a conversation with their friends before you put them on.
14. Flick the lights on and off.
15. Follow them around the house.

Happy Annoying.

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